Wednesday, April 11, 2012

This weekend there will be 3 inserts in the AJC. 1 Red Plum and 2 Smart Source. If  you don't get the paper on Saturday evening, then go to the gas station on Sunday morning on your way to church and get the double paper.
If you are not already a Publix shopper now is the time to start. On Thursdays if you spend $10 before coupons you can get a select item for 1cent. Some Publix require you to have the coupon from the ad, but some you can just tell them you want the Penny item. This week it is paper towels, you get a roll of paper towels for 1 cent. Even if you don't use them, you can get them and donate them to your church or local food pantry. F. I.S.H. In Monroe will always take any items like that. I also know for a fact that your child's classroom teacher would love to have paper towels. So even if you don't use them, get them, we can find someone that can use them.
I hope everyone had a great Easter, and enjoyed time with their families, I know I did!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for encouraging people to donate what they can't use. I've always taken that approach to my couponing/shopping too. Not everyone has the opportunity to get things free or very cheap so those of us to do know should do what we can.
